There is nothing that gives a gadget blogger more pleasure than to report on gadgets from the Far East like Thanko and Brando. You might remember the MP4 Camera watch I reported on a few days ago from Thanko, and today’s interesting Asian product is the Wireless Illuminated Super Tiny Keyboard (actual name) from Brando.

This keyboard has three obvious features in its name. The first is the wireless capacity, and it uses 2.4GHz rather than Bluetooth. The second is the backlit feature that makes it glow in the dark, which requires two AAA batteries to stay in operation. The third is its size. I’m not certain why you would want a tiny keyboard, but considering how these netbooks are getting increasingly smaller, there might be a demand for smaller keyboards for a desktop.

It has been suggested that the Brando Backlit Wireless Keyboard could be used for home theater PCs. That idea has a lot of merit, since consumer electronics companies are making a lot of All-in-one PC/computers these days. Personally, I believe we are entering an age where if you want a computer then it will automatically include software for a television, and televisions will be installed with computers.

Yes, we all look forward to the day when PCs and television markets will be as one. As for today, you should be able to pre-order the Wireless Illuminated Super Tiny Keyboard from the Brando Web site for about $47.00.



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