This laptop comes with Intel 900MHz Celeron Mobile ULV 353 Processor, 512MB RAM and a 4GB Flash HDD. It has a 7 inch LCD display with a resolution of 800 x 400 pixels. The laptop also has an integrated Graphics Media Accelerator 900 GM video card and a Realtek ALC6628 Hi-Definition Audio sound card, Touchpad mouse, in-built speakers and microphone. It also has a Built in VGA camera, 3 USB ports and a 2 in 1 Digital Media Reader. The laptop comes with Linux Operating System with a battery life of 3 hours. It is Windows XP Compatible, has Shock proof Design and is available in Black and White colour.
Product Details and Features
Processor DescriptionProcessor Manufacturer | Intel |
Processor Name | 900 MHz Intel Celereon-M |
Processor Speed (MHz) | 900 MHz |
System Memory
Standard RAM (MB) | 512 |
Upgradeable RAM (MB) | 2 GB |
Hard Disk Drive Type
nbuilt Hard Disk Drive Capacity (GB) | 4 |
Optical Drive
CD ROM Drive |
DVD Drive |
Combo Drive |
DVD Writer Drive |
Display Features
Display Screen Size (Inches) | 7 |
Screen Type | TFT Active Matrix |
Video Display Card
Video Display Card | Graphics Processor / Vendor : Intel UMA |
Manufacturer | ASUSTek Computer Inc. |
Internet and Fax Utilities
Internal Modem |
WiFi | Integrated 802.11a/b/g Wireless LAN, |
Sound Card