Sprint today launched the HTC Touch Pro, a Windows Mobile 6.1 smartphone with a slide-out QWERTY keyboard for data entry, expandable storage with a microSD card slot and a business card scanner using the integrated 3.2-megapixel camera. The Touch Pro is crafted to fit comfortably in the hand and has touch screen response with the a sliding five-row QWERTY keyboard. It has a 2.8-inch touch screen display. The built-in 3.2-megapixel camera has an optical auto-focus lens for clear photos. Built-in TV-out functionality delivers PowerPoint presentations. The Touch Pro provides mobile through Sprint's EV-DO Rev. A broadband technology, with peak download rates of 3.1 Mbps and peak upload data rates increase to 1.8 Mbps. Average download speeds improve to 600 Kbps to 1.4 Mbps and average uplink speeds increase to 350 Kbps to 500 Kbps. Users can zoom and pan websites and automatically view content that has been created to fit the display. Using gravity-sensor technology, turning the Touch Pro sideways automatically rotates the webpage view from a portrait to landscape view. Consumers can watch live and on-demand programming from Sprint TV and listen to music from Sprint Music Store. A custom YouTube application is used to watch user-generated video content. "People have already shown a tremendous initial response to the HTC Touch Diamond for Sprint," said Jason Mackenzie, Vice President for HTC America. "The HTC Touch Pro is the perfect device for those who demand the ease of use of TouchFLO 3D." The HTC Touch Pro is priced at $299.99 with a two-year subscriber agreement, after a $100 mail-in-rebate.
Source: mobiledia.com
Source: mobiledia.com