The best-looking BlackBerry nevertheless makes a credible maintain as the leader private communication phone. The BlackBerry 7130c combines race-car-like outline amongst brilliant communication compatibility and polite phone ability, creation it a almighty jumping-on summit for persons who haven't nevertheless full the phone communication thrust (as hanker as they don't application Yahoo! or Hotmail).
The 7130c looks admiringly almighty. It's a blunt oblong measuring 4.2 by 2.2 by 0.8 inches and weighing 4.2 ounces, amongst well-separated fraction keys and a brilliant 240-by-260 color monitor that looks great in sunbeam. The piano is RIM's SureType cross, which has two mail on greatest keys and uses a extra angelic foretelling book scheme to choose which one you aspire to kind. It takes apropos 15 notes to hop worn to, and afterward it's well.
BlackBerry 7130C Phone Specifications