Samsung Electronics has unveiled the Samsung INNOV8 i8510 phone, which features an impressive 8 megapixel camera. The INNOV8 phone is based on Symbian OS v9.3 and offers access to a suite of applications from the S60 applications library. This slider style cameraphone sports a 2.8” LCD display, and comes with 8 or 16GB internal memory, an FM radio, Bluetooth, and GPS navigation. It is also capable of recording QVGA video at up to 120 frames per second, and VGA resolution video at 30 frames per second.

Samsung INNOV8 is a 3G HSDPA phone offering fast connectivity at 7.2Mbps, and you can also connect via Wi-Fi. Look for this cameraphone to first be available in Europe starting in August 2008. Pricing was not yet announced.


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